I’m so excited … Dark Moon Falls has been received well by readers … they are LOVING it and I’m thrilled about it! But … that’s not what’s got me so excited. Nope, I’m jumping up and down because Dark Moon Falls II is coming! Aye, that’s right! You’re going to get more shifter hotness, with romance, intrigue and enough stories to keep you glued to the pages into the wee hours of the night!
It’s already available for preorder on iBooks and Nook! You can get your preorders in now guys! But that’s not all … we have a dedicated Facebook Group for all things to do with Dark Moon Falls – HERE – and we’ll be having takeovers and giveaways in there! You must go over and join if you want to take part – so GO GO GO now and join! If you love Dark Moon Falls and want to be part of our group – click HERE to join so you DON’T MISS OUT!